Super Advance Japanese (N1)

TLS teaches the most advanced level of Japanese. This course is a continuation of the Pre-Advanced Level Japanese Language Course. It aims to help students understand Japanese in various circumstances.

Details about the JLPT N1

The goal of this course is to help students master advanced Japanese. Students will be able to properly grasp and comprehend advanced vocabulary, Grammar Concepts, Sentences, and Conversations with audio of advanced-level Japanese JLPT N1.


One is able to read writings with logical complexity and/or abstract writings on a variety of topics, such as newspaper editorials and critiques, and comprehend both their structures and contents. One is also able to read written materials with profound contents on various topics and follow their narratives as well as understand the intent of the writers comprehensively.


One is able to comprehend orally presented materials such as coherent conversations, news reports, and lectures, spoken at natural speed in a broad variety of settings, and is able to follow their ideas and comprehend their contents comprehensively. One is also able to understand the details of the presented materials such as the relationships among the people involved the logical structures, and the essential points.

JLPT N1 makes a person an expert in Japanese and he/she can apply in any Japanese firm with a great package. One is also able to read written materials with profound contents on various topics and follow their narratives as well as understand the intent of the writers comprehensively.

TLS provide Lesson content and aids from part of the course are used alongside Kanji worksheets, Series of tests, Active Kaiwa classes to Students are also provided. Smart class support, Cultural Activities, In House library for self study and access to digital library for JLPT Preparation.

Pass marks for individual sections

Level Overall pass mark Knowledge(Vocabulary/Grammar) Reading Listening
N1 100 Points 19 Points 19 Points
Total possible 180 Points 60 Points 60 Points
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