Intermediate Japanese (N4)

TLS can help you master intermediate-level Japanese. This course is a continuation of the Basic Japanese Language Course. It intends to teach you Intermediate Japanese and enable you to speak it.

Details for JLPT N4 (Intermediate Japanese Language Course)

This course aims to help students comprehend Intermediate Level Japanese (JLPT N4) more readily. Students can grasp and apply intermediate vocabulary, grammar concepts, phrases, and conversations.

Elementary Level

Master vocabulary, expression, and grammar related to JLPT N4 one is able to understand elevated basic Japanese. N4 involves particles, Different forms, further kanji scripts and other activities which help to have a conversation with the other person.


The course is accessible in both weekend and weekday batches.

Course Duration

4 months weekday
5 Months weekends

After completing the curriculum, the student will be able to do the following:

  1. Target JLPT N4 Exam.
  2. Understand intermediate sentences and conversation.
  3. Understand passages, control kanji, and improve listening skills.
  4. Comprehend intermediate grammar particles, intermediate verbs, and comprehension passages to help you comprehend Japanese better.


One is able to read and understand passages on familiar daily topics written in basic vocabulary and kanji.


One is able to listen and comprehend conversations encountered in daily life and generally follow their contents, provided that they are spoken slowly.

The student is enabled to read and write small paragraphs, converse in day to day situations like i Writing small paragraphs , going out , ordering in restaurant, Conversation at part time effectively This course will enable the students to appear for N-5 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.(JLPT/NAT)

Teaching Methods

TLS Japanese Language Institute uses teaching resources, including video presentations, audio tools, flashcards, and popular tactics like conversation kits, verbal techniques, and lesson explanation materials. Students also get N4 sample papers and audio training help.

Pass marks for individual sections

Level Overall pass mark Knowledge(Vocabulary/Grammar) Reading Listening
N4 90 Points 38 Points 19 Points
Total possible 180 Points 120 Points 60 Points
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