What Next after JLPT?
Published: 2024-06-07 09:04:25
If you're learning Japanese, you probably already know about the JLPT exam. Only two JLPT test dates and in some locations, just one are scheduled each year. Some prepare in preparation to take the following test or to apply for a job with the test results in hand. But not everyone among us is ready.
Even if you are unfamiliar with it, the reason you are reading this post is because you want to know what will happen after you take the test. Some people are unsure about how to use their certificate or the opportunities that the test may present.
Therefore, the answer to this question in our minds strongly depends on the purpose for which you take the test. Discover some of the things you can think about by reading on.
All About JLPT and its levels
Let's start by defining JLPT in the first place. We have written an entire post about that, but let's still give a quick overview of it here.
Japanese Language Proficiency Test is known as JLPT. The only standardized exam to measure one's degree of Japanese language ability is this one. The JLPT exams are offered twice a year in more than 60 different nations. It takes up to three months to receive your results after registering online. Knowing this is crucial, especially if you plan to use the results to apply for a job or a Japanese university.
There are five levels for the JLPT: N1 to N5
The JLPT N5 exam, which covers the fundamentals of grammar and writing systems, is the lowest-stakes but simplest to pass of all of them. The majority of the grammar necessary to speak Japanese in conversation is covered by JLPT N4. You can move around Japan without any issues if you have covered all of the JLPT N4 and N5 materials.
The JLPT N3 is when things become a little challenging because it covers a few more intricate grammar elements. It prepares you for JLPT N2, the next level of proficiency required to work in Japan. It includes the most Japanese in spoken and written form.
The greatest level and closest to a native you can get is JLPT N1, which is what you have left. At this point, you are essentially qualified for any job in Japan.
Speaking and writing are not covered in the JLPT tests, only written and listening comprehension. We have exercises for all the various mediums here at TLS.
Let's examine three options you have after passing your JLPT exam, regardless of the level you took.
Career, Studies & Opportunities After JLPT Certification
Keep your studies in continuation
No matter which JLPT level you passed, your initial course of action should be to keep up your study. It's not necessary to be preparing for the upcoming test. It can just be casual learning. Language acquisition is a lifelong endeavour. Either actively or passively, learning should never end. To prevent forgetting this new language, you must continue to use it.
Get geared with your professional plans
Some of us are taking the JLPT for career reasons. Therefore, you should start considering how you can use that certificate, which verifies that you have passed the level, for job interviews, advancements at work, or promotions after you get it. If you have the necessary level of JLPT, start thinking about how you can apply for employment that need that.
Prepare yourself for the next assessment
There are only two JLPT testing dates each year, as was already explained, and you must schedule months in advance for it. Take notice of the application deadline if you're considering taking the next level of the JLPT, whether it's for professional or for personal reasons.
Get books to aid in your preparation. Some people might choose to get enrolled in classes where the tutors will mentor you through the preparation process and supply practice test questions. These all rely on how you study because different people learn differently. Contact TLS, for getting enrolled in classes for JLPT preparation.